A Moment of Full Gratitude for YOU!
As 2023 comes to a close, I find myself sitting here by my home office window in Portugal on a beautiful fall day reflecting on the year. And the one thing that keeps coming up for me is how much gratitude I feel for YOU.
Thank you for your trust in me, for talking to your friends about me, for your openness and willingness with this process, for your support and encouragement… I could keep going on and on. But in short, because of YOU, my coaching business is thriving, and that is such an incredibly humbling feeling for me.
I know I'm meant to be the one doing the coaching in my sessions, but I have to say, I’m in complete awe of all the amazing things I’ve learned from YOU. And so, today's blog is dedicated entirely to you, my dear client.
While this list is nowhere near complete, I put together the top 20 things you’ve taught me this year:
There is no such thing as perfect parenting, and that's beautiful.
We’re ALL the same! Of course, we all have our own unique stories, hurdles, pains, fears, and wounds that we’ve learned to manage in our own ways. But at the end of the day when you strip all of those layers back, we’re each incredibly whole, creative, resourceful, and capable.
If there's even an inch of will to make a positive change in our lives and to grow, that’s more than enough to start the transformations we strive for.
It's never too late to work on ourselves. I learned this from my 70+ year old clients. I have so much admiration and respect for you!
You're also never too young to start designing a life that feels authentic to you. This one I learned from my young adult clients, who inspire me every day.
Having great compassion for ourselves in our parenting journeys is the key ingredient to success. Without giving ourselves grace, we can never fully become conscious parents.
It’s possible to make healthy and empowering choices for yourself, no matter what your experiences were as a child.
That “experiencing authentic joy” isn’t just about feeling good, it's about feeling EVERYTHING. (Inspired by author Michael Brown.)
Tears are the “healing” and not the “hurting”.
Our inner peace, our calm, and our freedom are all priceless and worth whatever hard work and changes they require to feel them.
Women are strong, resilient, and incredibly striking.
When we learn to listen to ourselves and to the wisdom of our hearts, we radiate our inner knowledge without having to prove it or show evidence of its authenticity.
There’s so much beauty and importance in allowing ourselves time and space to let something go in order to just be.
Being in your true self and essence is so empowering, it makes the ego and false-self look comically small.
Our children are our greatest teachers and mirrors. They reflect back the things that need work and healing, and even shine light on the areas where we haven't yet accepted ourselves.
It’s so hard, but so important to remove ourselves from all the different labels the world gives us.
Amazing things can happen when we don’t let our fears stop us from working toward what we truly want.
We can feel truly held when we strive to meet our own unmet needs instead of pushing that responsibility onto others.
Spending time to reflect with someone by your side - a friend, a spouse, a coach… is an amazing form of self-care.
Above everything else, never forget that all the answers are already inside of YOU!
Do you see what I mean? If all of this doesn’t point to growth and abundance in my life, then what does? And so, I’ll leave you once again with an incredibly heart-felt and humbled thank you for trusting me with this unique opportunity.
I’m beyond energized to continue showing up for you with curiosity and positivity for who you already are, and who you are becoming. Because remember, you’re already a whole, capable, resourceful, and creative human. I’m just here to partner with you for you to see that for yourself.