Exciting New Event for Working Moms!
Hey Working Moms! This one is for you…
I’m excited to announce the new 3-month virtual program tailored specifically for the working moms out there: The Parenting Camp™ for Working Moms. I’ve been creating this program in collaboration with my friend and fellow conscious parenting coach, Hazel Swayne (founder of “The Parenting Camp™.”)
Our inspiration for this program was clear from the start. As working moms ourselves, we know firsthand the many challenges and struggles that come with balancing work and home life. Juggling kids’ activities and work obligations oftentimes leaves us feeling depleted and lacking, and ultimately not able to give (or receive) our full selves in any of our roles.
In addition to the virtual program, Hazel and I have also created a “Packing List” that contains 45 daily intentions and prompts meant to help moms feel more “full” in their parenting.
In fact, if you reply to this email with the phrase “Packing List,” I’ll send you this complimentary list today. Whether you plan to attend the camp or not, it can help you greatly as a parent or caregiver.
To give you a sense of what the Packing List looks like, here’s one prompt example:
“Ask your child: ‘What do you need from me right now?’ How can I support you better?”
My own answer to this prompt comes easily to mind. As school was winding down this year, my daughters were very vocal about exactly what they needed from me coming into summertime.
My oldest has been planning a “murder mystery” party for her 15th birthday. Birthdays have always been an important thing for her, and she’d spent hours putting every detail in place in her mind. She knew exactly how she wanted things decorated, and which friends she’d assign to which characters and customs.
Meanwhile, my younger daughter has been organizing playdate after playdate with friends to keep her entertained and excited this summer.
While I truly love each of their initiatives and preparations, I knew neither of my girls could accomplish these big plans without my help. They would need me to be everything from a taxi driver to a personal shopper. I knew how important it was to them for me to respond to their desires and needs with care and attention, but at the same time, I also knew how much time and energy it would demand from me. Time and energy I didn’t really have to offer given my busy workload now.
Talk about Mom Guilt! I’m sure you’d agree that the struggle is real. (Hint: we dedicate an entire session of the parenting camp just to this guilt we can feel as parents!)
We carry a heavy load and often find ourselves (whether consciously or unconsciously) striving for perfection in all areas, which only adds to the pressure. We all have gaps we want to bridge in our parenting. To be vulnerable with you, I have to admit that as a parenting coach, I often see my own challenges and shortcomings even more vividly and can really get hard on myself.
But guess what? We don’t have to go at it alone in this parenting struggle. In fact, finding community and a support system through it all can help us tackle these challenges more productively and with more tenderness for ourselves. Together, we can make the internal changes and transformations within ourselves that will lead to more heart-centred, inspired, and empowered parenting.
The Parenting Camp™ for Working Moms promises to be a fun and supportive space where working moms can freely share, practice, and take actions that move you closer to your desired outcomes both at home and at work.
The first session begins on September 17, 2024. You can find all the details here.
Feel free to reach out with any questions. And, if you could share this information with someone who might benefit, I would be very grateful. Let’s build this community together!
Lastly, if you’d like to bring a parenting talk or a program like this to your organization, let’s chat!
As coaches, Hazel and I believe that every parent deserves the space to recognize their own beauty, creativity and potential, just as every child deserves the freedom to be authentic. With our extensive training and certifications, we’ve walked the same path. Our focus? Deep, meaningful connections—with both kids and at work. We embrace wholeness, presence, and connection, allowing you to see how complete you are and to be in flow. Feeling seen and heard matters to us all. And when you reconnect with yourself, you forge meaningful connections with your loved ones and those you interact with on the work front.